.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _datasets: ============ Example data ============ MDAnalysis offers a collection of example data files and datasets to run tests and tutorials. These are split into two packages: * MDAnalysisTests: primarily for unit tests of the code * MDAnalysisData: datasets for workshops and tutorials .. _mdanalysistests: MDAnalysisTests =============== While this is installed as a separate package, you should import files like so:: import MDAnalysis as mda from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PSF, DCD u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD) A complete list of files and descriptions is in the ``mdanalysis/testsuite/MDAnalysisTests/datafiles.py`` file. The actual files are stored in the ``mdanalysis/testsuite/MDAnalysisTests/data/`` directory. .. _mdanalysisdata: MDAnalysisData ============== The `MDAnalysisData `__ package is an interface to download, cache, and access certain datasets hosted on external repositories (e.g. figshare_, zenodo_, DataDryad_). Data is not downloaded upon installation, so the package itself is small; but the directory where the datasets are cached can grow significantly. You can access datasets like so:: import MDAnalysis as mda from MDAnalysisData import datasets adk = datasets.fetch_adk_equilibrium() u = mda.Universe(adk.topology, adk.trajectory) # to see the description of the dataset print(adk.DESCR) The cached files are stored by default in the ``~/MDAnalysis_data`` directory. This can be changed by setting the environment variable ``MDANALYSIS_DATA``. You can change this for a Terminal session with the below command: .. code-block:: bash export MDANALYSIS_DATA=/my/chosen/path/MDAnalysis_data Add it to your ``.bashrc`` for a permanent change. .. code-block:: bash echo 'export MDANALYSIS_DATA=/my/chosen/path/MDAnalysis_data' >> ~/.bashrc In Python, you can check the location of your caching directory:: MDAnalysisData.base.get_data_home() And clear the directory with:: MDAnalysisData.base.clear_data_home() `A list of datasets `_ can be found at the MDAnalysisData documentation. .. _figshare: https://figshare.com/ .. _zenodo: https://zenodo.org/ .. _DataDryad: https://www.datadryad.org/