.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _TRJ-format: =========================================== TRJ, MDCRD, CRDBOX (AMBER ASCII trajectory) =========================================== .. include:: classes/TRJ.txt MDAnalysis supports reading of `AMBER ASCII trajectories`_ ("traj") and :ref:`binary trajectories ` ("netcdf"). .. _`AMBER ASCII trajectories`: https://ambermd.org/FileFormats.php#trajectory .. important:: In the AMBER community, these trajectories are often saved with the suffix '.crd'. This extension conflicts with the CHARMM CRD format and MDAnalysis *will not correctly autodetect AMBER ".crd" trajectories*. Instead, explicitly provide the ``format="TRJ"`` argument to :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe`:: u = MDAnalysis.Universe("top.prmtop", "traj.crd", format="TRJ") Reading in ========== Units are assumed to be the following default AMBER units: * length: Angstrom * time: ps **Limitations:** * Periodic boxes are only stored as box lengths A, B, C in an AMBER trajectory; the reader always assumes that these are orthorhombic boxes. * The trajectory does not contain time information so we simply set the time step to 1 ps :ref:`(or the user could provide it with the dt argument) ` * Trajectories with fewer than 4 atoms probably fail to be read (BUG). * If the trajectory contains exactly *one* atom then it is always assumed to be non-periodic (for technical reasons). * Velocities are currently *not supported* as ASCII trajectories.