.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _slicing-trajectories: ==================== Slicing trajectories ==================== MDAnalysis trajectories can be indexed to return a :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.Timestep`, or sliced to give a :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.FrameIterator`. .. ipython:: python :okwarning: import MDAnalysis as mda from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PSF, DCD u = mda.Universe(PSF, DCD) u.trajectory[4] Indexing a trajectory shifts the :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` to point towards that particular frame, updating dynamic data such as ``Universe.atoms.positions``. .. note:: The trajectory frame is not read from the MD data. It is the internal index assigned by MDAnalysis. .. ipython:: python u.trajectory.frame *Creating* a :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.FrameIterator` by slicing a trajectory does not shift the :class:`~MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` to a new frame, but *iterating* over the sliced trajectory will rewind the trajectory back to the first frame. .. ipython::: python fiter = u.trajectory[10::2] u.trajectory.frame .. ipython:: python fiter = u.trajectory[10::10] frames = [ts.frame for ts in fiter] print(frames, u.trajectory.frame) You can also create a sliced trajectory with boolean indexing and fancy indexing. Boolean indexing allows you to select only frames that meet a certain condition, by passing a :class:`~numpy.ndarray` with the same length as the original trajectory. Only frames that have a boolean value of ``True`` will be in the resulting :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.FrameIterator`. For example, to select only the frames of the trajectory with an RMSD under 2 angstrom: .. ipython:: python from MDAnalysis.analysis import rms protein = u.select_atoms('protein') rmsd = rms.RMSD(protein, protein).run() bools = rmsd.results.rmsd.T[-1] < 2 print(bools) .. ipython:: python :okwarning: fiter = u.trajectory[bools] print([ts.frame for ts in fiter]) You can also use fancy indexing to control the order of specific frames. .. ipython:: python indices = [10, 2, 3, 9, 4, 55, 2] print([ts.frame for ts in u.trajectory[indices]]) You can even slice a :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.FrameIterator` to create a new :class:`~MDAnalysis.coordinates.base.FrameIterator`. .. ipython:: python print([ts.frame for ts in fiter[::3]])