

The default guesser has been created to reproduce pre-v2.8.0 MDAnalysis guessing behaviour as much as possible. However, minor changes were unavoidable and have been detailed in the 2.8.0 CHANGELOG notes . Default behaviours will change in MDAnalysis version 3, as detailed in deprecation warnings.

The DefaultGuesser is the default guessing context for MDAnalysis. For historical reasons the DefaultGuesser largely works with biological conventions; for example, an atom named CA will be assumed to be a carbon rather than a calcium atom.

Attributes guessed

The topology attributes guessed by the default guesser are listed below, as are their dependencies and broad assumptions. Please see the Guesser API documentation for more details.

Elements and types

The default guesser guesses atom elements and types using the same pathway; when atom types are guessed, they represent the atom element. Atom elements are guessed from the atom name. The default guesser follows biological naming conventions, where atoms named “CA” are much more likely to represent an alpha-carbon than a calcium atom. This guesser is still relatively fragile for non-traditionally biological atom names.

The guess_atom_element() method is used to guess atom elements or types following a process by which numbers, symbols, and some letters are stripped from the atom name and checked against a look-up table, as detailed in the Guesser API documentation. With this method, for example, “AO5*” would be guessed as “O”, and “3hg2” as “H”.


Masses are guessed by using a look-up table to get masses from the atom’s element attribute. If elements are not available, the atom’s type is used in place of the element. If the type is not available, that is guessed first.


When an atom mass cannot be guessed from the atom type or name, the atom is currently assigned a mass of 0.0.

Masses are guessed atom-by-atom, so even if most atoms have been guessed correctly, it is possible that some have been given masses of 0. It is important to check for non-zero masses before using methods that rely on them, such as AtomGroup.center_of_mass().


np.nan will be used as a default or “missing” value in place of 0.0 for atom masses in version 3.0 of MDAnalysis.


These are guessed using the RDKit converter by using the GetIsAromatic method.


RDKit needs to have been installed for aromaticity guessing to be available. RDKit is always installed when MDAnalysis was installed with conda-forge packages but this may not be the case when using other installation paths.

Bonds, Angles, Dihedrals, Impropers

MDAnalysis can guess if bonds exist between two atoms, based on the distance between them. A bond is created if the 2 atoms are within

\[d < f \cdot (R_1 + R_2)\]

of each other, where \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) are the van der Waals radii of the atoms and \(f\) is an ad-hoc fudge factor. This is the same algorithm that VMD uses.


Previously, guessing bonds would also guess angles and dihedrals. This is no longer the case. Angles, dihedrals, and impropers are not guessed by the default guesser unless explicitly requested by the user.

Angles can be guessed from the bond connectivity. MDAnalysis assumes that if atoms 1 & 2 are bonded, and 2 & 3 are bonded, then (1,2,3) must be an angle.

  2 -- 3

Dihedral angles and improper dihedrals can both be guessed from angles. Proper dihedrals are guessed by assuming that if (1,2,3) is an angle, and 3 & 4 are bonded, then (1,2,3,4) must be a dihedral.

1        4
 \      /
  2 -- 3

Likewise, if (1,2,3) is an angle, and 2 & 4 are bonded, then (2, 1, 3, 4) must be an improper dihedral (i.e. the improper dihedral is the angle between the planes formed by (1, 2, 3) and (1, 3, 4))

  2 -- 3