MOL2 (Tripos structure)

Coordinate reader


Coordinate writer


Topology parser


The Tripos molecule structure format (MOL2) is a commonly used format. It is used, for instance, by the DOCK docking code.


MOL2Writer can only be used to write out previously loaded MOL2 files. For example, if you’re trying to convert a PDB file to MOL2, you should use other tools such as rdkit.

Here is an example how to use rdkit to convert a PDB to MOL:

from rdkit import Chem
mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile("molecule.pdb", removeHs=False)
Chem.MolToMolFile(mol, "molecule.mol" )

MOL2 specification

  • Example file:

     #    Name: benzene
     #    Creating user name: tom
     #    Creation time: Wed Dec 28 00:18:30 1988
     #    Modifying user name: tom
     #    Modification time: Wed Dec 28 00:18:30 1988
     12 12 1  0   0
     1   C1  1.207   2.091   0.000    1   BENZENE 0.000
     2   C2  2.414   1.394   0.000    1   BENZENE 0.000
     3   C3  2.414   0.000   0.000    1   BENZENE 0.000
     4   C4  1.207   -0.697  0.000    1   BENZENE 0.000
     5   C5  0.000   0.000   0.000    1   BENZENE 0.000
     6   C6  0.000   1.394   0.000    1   BENZENE 0.000
     7   H1  1.207   3.175   0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     8   H2  3.353   1.936   0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     9   H3  3.353   -0.542  0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     10  H4  1.207   -1.781  0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     11  H5  -0.939  -0.542  0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     12  H6  -0.939  1.936   0.000   H   1   BENZENE 0.000
     1   1   2   ar
     2   1   6   ar
     3   2   3   ar
     4   3   4   ar
     5   4   5   ar
     6   5   6   ar
     7   1   7   1
     8   2   8   1
     9   3   9   1
     10  4   10  1
     11  5   11  1
     12  6   12  1
     1   BENZENE 1   PERM    0   ****    ****    0   ROOT